Слова по уровню:

A1    A2    B1    B2    C1

Слова по неделям:

W1    W2    W3    W4    W5

W6    W7    W8    W9    W10

W11    W12    W13    W14    W15

W16    W17    W18    W19    W20

W21    W22    W23    W24    W25

W26    W27    W28    W29    W30

W31    W32    W33    W34    W35

W36    W37    W38    W39    W40

W41    W42    W43    W44    W45

Повторяем слова. 15 неделя


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Прочитайте и переведите все предложения на английском языке, написанные ниже. Повторите все слова, которые мы изучили на пятнадцатой неделе и неделей ранее.

Переведите каждое предложение:

  • The shareholder meeting started with an update on the company’s profits from tobacco sales.
  • After the meeting, everyone received a transcript of the important discussions.
  • They needed to weigh the benefits against the risks before making a decision.
  • The company decided to sell a ton of tobacco to a new buyer.
  • At night, the moon shone brightly outside the office window.
  • Suddenly, there was a loud knock on the door during the meeting.
  • The man who entered was blind, but he knew the office well.
  • Everyone started to applaud when he shared his brilliant idea.
  • We must be conscious of how our choices affect other people.
  • On the table, a single candle provided light for the room.
  • The price of tobacco was going up, which concerned the shareholder.
  • They discussed how the price increase might knock the company’s balance sheet.

Повторение слов изученных ранее:

  • The big building is a warehouse where they keep many boxes.
  • When I meet someone new, I want to make a good impression.
  • She has the ability to learn languages fast.
  • He was totally surprised by the party his friends planned.
  • The story in the book was grave and made me think.
  • Yoga gives her flexibility, so she can bend and stretch well.
  • Sometimes, doctors need to make an intervention to help sick people.
  • Carrying the heavy bags was a big burden for the old man.
  • They had a contest at school to see who could read the most books.
  • Many people were at the gathering to celebrate his birthday.
  • I like to take a picture of my cat because she is cute.
  • Climbing over the big rock was an obstacle, but the boy did it anyway.
