Слова по уровню:

A1    A2    B1    B2    C1

Слова по неделям:

W1    W2    W3    W4    W5

W6    W7    W8    W9    W10

W11    W12    W13    W14    W15

W16    W17    W18    W19    W20

W21    W22    W23    W24    W25

W26    W27    W28    W29    W30

W31    W32    W33    W34    W35

W36    W37    W38    W39    W40

W41    W42    W43    W44    W45

Повторяем слова. 18 неделя


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Повторите все слова, которые мы изучили на восемнадцатой неделе и неделей ранее.
Проверьте себя: прочитайте и переведите все предложения на английском языке, написанные ниже.

Переведите каждое предложение:

  • Mike got some bad news that his uncle has cancer.
  • His uncle used to share stories about his job and his earnings with Mike.
  • Mike wondered if his uncle was eligible for a better treatment plan.
  • Hearing about his uncle made Mike feel quite depressing.
  • They had to check which hospital had jurisdiction over his uncle’s care.
  • At dinner, Mike was distracted and played with his fork, lost in thought.
  • His sister, who is educated, explained the medical details to him.
  • They all wanted to serve their uncle and support him during this time.
  • Mike hoped they could do something meaningful for his uncle.
  • Later, he had a chat with his best friend about everything that was happening.
  • In their conversation, they tried to relate to each other’s family issues.

Повторение слов изученных ранее:

  • Through the window, I could see the snow falling.
  • Sugar cubes dissolve quickly in hot water.
  • After playing soccer, eating a big plate of food feels great.
  • My friend is very strong; he can lift heavy weights.
  • We watched a movie about an incredible opera singer.
  • The scientist found proof that the new medicine works.
  • Drinking milk is crucial for healthy bones.
  • I love spicy food; it tastes so good.
  • My sister cooked beef stew for dinner.
  • There is a high probability that it will rain tomorrow.
  • The mechanic fixed the broken cable on my bike.
  • My sister and I once got stuck in an elevator together.
