Слова по уровню:

A1    A2    B1    B2    C1

Слова по неделям:

W1    W2    W3    W4    W5

W6    W7    W8    W9    W10

W11    W12    W13    W14    W15

W16    W17    W18    W19    W20

W21    W22    W23    W24    W25

W26    W27    W28    W29    W30

W31    W32    W33    W34    W35

W36    W37    W38    W39    W40

W41    W42    W43    W44    W45

Повторяем слова. 43 неделя


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Повторите все слова, которые мы изучили на сорок третьей неделе и тремя неделями ранее.

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Повторение слов изученных ранее:

  • The strict enforcement of the new policy was essential for maintaining order.
  • She ought to have known better than to trust that duo with such an essential task.
  • Instead of focusing on the economy, the government is wasting resources.
  • Her ankle injury caused her to fall during the performance.
  • The deficiency in the future plans was glaringly obvious.
  • A solid framework is essential for a successful election campaign.
  • She was enthusiastic about the performance despite her ankle pain.
  • The slave was found unconscious after a brutal ordeal.
  • The heart is often seen as a symbol of love in many cultures.
  • There are numerous ways to improve the recording quality.
  • Ancient civilization left behind many symbols of their existence.
  • The recognition of her hard work came as a pleasant surprise.
  • Whatever the outcome, we must proceed with detailed plans.
  • Many plants die without proper care and attention.
  • I was particularly impressed by her dedication to her work.
  • The news came as a shock to everyone involved.
  • It is rude to interrupt someone while they are speaking.
  • The seasons rotate throughout the year, each bringing its own beauty.
  • The recovery process after the surgery required a lot of patience .
  • She wore a pink dress to the party, standing out from the crowd.
  • The principle of fairness is essential in any judicial system.
  • His influence on the project was more significant than anyone realized.
  • I often think about the future and what it holds.
  • She frequently visits her grandmother on weekends.
  • The enforcement of the new law was met with resistance.
  • You ought to apologize for your rude behavior.
  • The dynamic duo completed the project ahead of schedule.
  • Instead of complaining, she decided to take action.
  • The economy is a critical factor in the election.
  • Her fall from grace was swift and unexpected.
  • The deficiency in the report was noted by the reviewers.
  • She twisted her ankle while hiking, causing her to fall.
  • The future of technology looks incredibly promising.
  • The new framework provided a solid base for the project.
  • She remained enthusiastic even after the shock of the news.
  • The performance was so captivating that it left a lasting influence on the audience.
