Слова по уровню:

A1    A2    B1    B2    C1

Слова по неделям:

W1    W2    W3    W4    W5

W6    W7    W8    W9    W10

W11    W12    W13    W14    W15

W16    W17    W18    W19    W20

W21    W22    W23    W24    W25

W26    W27    W28    W29    W30

W31    W32    W33    W34    W35

W36    W37    W38    W39    W40

W41    W42    W43    W44    W45

Повторяем слова. 9 неделя


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Проверьте себя. Прочитайте все предложения на английском языке, написанные ниже. Повторите слова которые мы изучили на девятой неделе.

Переведите каждое предложение:

  • “The fellow in the hat motioned me over, a cheeky grin dancing on his lips,” she told her friends, spinning an intriguing tale.
  • James, a professional photographer, always places a specific dot on the lens to mark his focus spot.
  • “Your defence was brilliant in today’s match,” commented the trainer, patting his athlete’s back in appreciation.
  • “Balance your intake of fats and carbs; it’s essential for a healthy diet,” my nutritionist advised earnestly.
  • “I’ve no idea where Daniel went, but he did mention going to the library,” Samantha replied, furrowing her brows in deep thought.
  • The musician, eager and nervous, took a deep breath before he started to perform his solo on stage.
  • “We shall review the applications by tomorrow,” the manager declared, running his hand through his greying hair.
  • “Here’s a typical example of a Picasso painting,” the art curator explained, pointing to the abstract piece hanging on the wall.
  • Sarah stood third in line, anxiously waiting to place her order at her favourite food truck.
  • As a personal trainer, John’s approach was quite unique, deviating radically from what is typically expected.

Повторение слов изученных ранее:

  • Unfortunately, his habit of eating lots of meat upset his stomach quite often, leading him to seek a more moderate diet.
  • She always took a sustainable approach to farming, ensuring that no harmful machines were employed.
  • Rising in disagreement, he pointed out a hole in the opponent’s argument that they had failed to address.
  • The machine drilled a large hole in the ground as part of the earth removal project.
  • I really need to cut back on desserts, it’s a habit I picked up and I need to enact a moderate approach to it.
  • His mouth watered at the sight of the grilled meat, but unfortunately, he had to decline because of his new diet.
  • The hole in the wall was a result of his upset over the failed business deal.
  • They had a disagreement over the removal of the old oak tree in their yard, which unfortunately caused tension between them.
  • Our reliance on fossil-fuel machines is not sustainable, and we need to shift towards more renewable sources of energy.
  • Despite his attempts to moderate his consumption, his habit of drinking was causing considerable upset to his family members.
