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Повторяем слова. 4 неделя


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Переведите каждое предложение:

  • Probably each person would like to leave any trace in national memory.
  • Successful completion of the course requires participants to achieve a minimum total score of 70% and entitles to a certificate of completion.
  • So your presentation is super important.
  • The second involves a newspaper journalist corresponding with Snowden.
  • Now when your inflammation becomes chronic, it can cause a host of things, including chronic stress.
  • I don’t play baseball, but I have a bat.
  • It is a pleasure to learn, and yoga classes bring a lot of pleasure.
  • Don’t drif too far away from what you were.
  • One family has a mountain house in the highest place of the last mountain village.
  • Unlike multimodal transport, intermodal transport involves only one transport document and a single tariff rate.
  • Another blast rocked the same area minutes after the first one.
  • Not for helping people escape, because officially, there’s no such thing as escape.

Повторение слов изученных ранее:

  • I’m going to see you through to the end of it.
  • You can be outgoing and cheerful.
  • And partnering with the world’s leading genomics institute to develop a testing infrastructure that helped protect the health of our campus community.
  • Because I got scared away by people making mean comments.
  • And of course Amy, you haven’t been on the bench as long, but I’m sure you’ve seen examples.
  • So can we make a promise to ourselves, like pinky swear?
  • So, after coming to London, I did eventually resume my music career.
  • The psychology of pain is incredibly important.
  • Bad supervision or a lack of rules and regulations can also contribute to bad decision-making.
  • Do you remember the two major steps in protein synthesis?
  • Grab a leaf, lift it up.
  • And the lake we see in front of us right here is still in shadow.
  • He was a creative genius. Many people have tried to imitate him.
  • This is according to article six of the constitution, known as the Supremacy Clause.
  • Hip hop was in many ways, an extension of this artistic project.
  • We really just traded within our village structure.
  • Now, it is a very complicated piece of business.
  • It really fit in with how my brain worked.
  • But I think he also wants to intensify what these figures are going through.
  • mountain nymph named Echo, renowned for her charm and chatter.
  • These treatments go into mass production.
  • The question of how collaboration and delegation worked within the studio.
  • People can come live under the new charter, but no one is forced to live under it.
  • The innocent archetype is optimistic and pure.
  • So we now have a large part of the influential elite in the United.
  • Now, the injury wasn’t very dramatic or graphic.
  • How you would get the capital?
  • And at that point, actually, a firework went off in my brain.
  • I have been working in the still-life tradition for over ten years.
  • You can get them dried. Drain off most of the water.
  • So I think this division of duties gives people more consistency and discipline.
  • “Well, should I bring my sheep to graze on the commons?
  • So lately all my practice sessions have had the explicit goal of learning and perfecting the segment of the song.
  • Is that realistic or cynical or both?
  • If you’re uncertain about handling employee records.
  • They give the gold medal to the fastest runner
