Слова по уровню:

A1    A2    B1    B2    C1

Слова по неделям:

W1    W2    W3    W4    W5

W6    W7    W8    W9    W10

W11    W12    W13    W14    W15

W16    W17    W18    W19    W20

W21    W22    W23    W24    W25

W26    W27    W28    W29    W30

W31    W32    W33    W34    W35

W36    W37    W38    W39    W40

W41    W42    W43    W44    W45

Повторяем слова. 6 неделя


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Переведите каждое предложение:

  • She was always complaining about her miserable life.
  • Working with them has been an incredibly rewarding experience.
  • She let go of the helium balloon and it floated away into the sky.
  • A high temperature isn’t a suitable medium for this plant.
  • This weekend they are doing a workshop on healthy eating.
  • She made her first million dollars by the age of 25.
  • His early optimism was replaced by a realistic understanding of the situation.
  • Your personal safety is our first concern.
  • The sign on the highway said 100 kilometers to Moscow.
  • The annual rainfall in this region is very high.
  • The charity is working in partnership with the local government.
  • The territory is under the jurisdiction of the federal government.

Повторение слов изученных ранее:

  • The museum, whose exhibits date back several centuries, is a popular tourist destination.
  • He was super careful with the fragile items.
  • The picture was hung a metre above the floor.
  • I take pleasure in learning new things.
  • The project is broadly divided into three stages.
  • They are building a new mountain resort.
  • The theft was a violation of his personal space.
  • She couldn’t escape the feeling of being watched.
  • Perception of beauty is different in every culture.
  • journalist‘s role is to inform the public.
  • He had some difficulty integrating into the local community.
  • The gut reaction of the investors was negative.
  • We need to find a way to transport water to these remote areas.
  • He didn’t listen to his mother and ended up in trouble.
  • What is the drift of his argument?
  • The House of Windsor is the reigning royal house of the United Kingdom.
  • The trees in the forest were incredibly aged, some being over a thousand years old.
  • The sound radar of bats is highly sophisticated.
  • I see your point, but I don’t think the analogy is entirely accurate.
  • Completion of this phase of the project was a significant milestone.
  • Her bold approach to solving problems was greatly admired.
  • She suffers from chronic insomnia.
  • She traced her family roots back to the 19th century.
  • He blasted the ball into the net.
