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A puppy named Max. Рассказ на английском языке.


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Once upon a time, in a small village, there was a young boy named Tom. Tom was a pupil [1] at the village school. He loved to learn about historical [2] events and always paid attention to his teacher. Tom was very kind and humble [3]. He would sit [4] quietly in class and help his friends with their homework.

One day, while walking home from school, Tom had an unexpected encounter [5]. He found a small, lost puppy by the side of the road. The puppy looked sad and hungry. Tom could not abandon [6] the poor puppy, so he picked it up and took it home. His parents were very generous [7] and allowed him to keep the puppy. Tom named the puppy Max.

Tom and Max became the best of friends. They would play together every day. One day, Tom found a beautiful stone while they were playing. He decided to give it as a gift [8] to his best friend, Max. Max wagged his tail happily, and Tom felt very pleased.

However, not everything was always happy. One night, a big storm hit the village. The wind was so strong that it caused damaging [9] effects to many houses. Tom’s house was safe, but his neighbor’s house was not. The roof of their house was blown away. Tom’s family immediately went to aid [10] their neighbors. They offered them food and a place to stay until their house was repaired.

The next morning, Tom and his family went to the upper [11] part of the village, where the damage was the worst. Many people were crying [12] and looking for help. Tom saw a little girl who was crying [12] because she had lost her favorite doll in the storm. Tom, being the kind boy he was, decided to help her find it. After searching for a while, they finally found the doll under some broken branches. The little girl stopped crying [12] and thanked Tom with a big hug.

Tom realized that helping others made him very happy. He learned that being kind and generous [7] was one of the most important lessons in life. And so, Tom continued to be a good pupil [1], always ready to help others and learn new things. He and Max grew up together, sharing many more adventures and always being there for those in need.

And so, Tom’s story teaches us that even the simplest acts of kindness can make a big difference in the world.

  1. pupil
  2. historical
  3. humble
  4. sit
  5. encounter
  6. abandon
  7. generous
  8. gift
  9. damaging
  10. aid
  11. upper
  12. cry
