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Hope and patience. Рассказ на английском языке.


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Once upon a time, in a small village, there lived a girl named Lily. Lily loved to play in the fields and pick flowers. Her favorite flowers were the pink [1] ones because they were bright and pretty.

One day, Lily’s grandmother fell very ill. The villagers were worried she might die [2]. Lily was very sad and did not know what to do. She decided to visit the wise old man who lived at the edge of the village. The wise old man was known for his knowledge and influence [3].

When Lily arrived, the wise old man was sitting outside his small house. He looked at Lily and smiled. “What brings you here, little one?” he asked.

“My grandmother is very sick,” Lily said with tears in her eyes. “I don’t want her to die [2]. Can you help us?”

The wise old man nodded. “I will do my best,” he said. “But remember, the most important principle [4] in life is to have patience [5] and hope.”

The wise old man gave Lily some special herbs and told her how to make a tea for her grandmother. Lily thanked him and hurried back home.

Lily made the tea just as the wise old man had instructed. She gave it to her grandmother every day. Slowly, her grandmother started to feel better. Her recovery [6] was slow, but every day she got a little stronger.

Lily was impressed [7] with how the wise old man’s herbs worked. She remembered his words about patience [5] and hope. She realized that sometimes, things take time, and we must wait and believe.

One day, while Lily was picking flowers, she saw a boy being very rude [8] to his friend. The boy was shouting and pushing his friend. Lily felt bad for the friend and decided to talk to the boy.

“Why are you being so rude [8]?” Lily asked.

The boy looked at her in shock [9]. He had not expected anyone to talk to him. “I don’t know,” he said quietly. “I guess I am just angry.”

Lily thought for a moment. “Maybe you should think [10] before you act,” she suggested. “It might help you not to hurt others.”

The boy nodded and promised to think [10] before he acted next time. Lily felt happy that she could help.

As the seasons changed, Lily noticed how the earth seemed to rotate [11], bringing new life and colors each time. She felt grateful for the beauty around her and the lessons she learned.

Lily frequently [12] visited the wise old man after her grandmother got better. She loved listening to his stories and learning from him. She understood the importance of patience [5] and kindness, and she tried to practice these in her daily life.

Years passed, and Lily grew up into a wise and kind woman. She never forgot the wise old man’s words and the principle [4] of having hope. She continued to help others and spread joy in the village.

The villagers were always impressed [7] with Lily’s kindness and wisdom. They often came to her for advice. She became a great influence [3] in the village, just like the wise old man.

And so, Lily lived a happy life, always remembering to think [10] before she acted, to be patient, and to spread kindness wherever she went.

  1. pink
  2. die
  3. influence
  4. principle
  5. patience
  6. recovery
  7. impressed
  8. rude
  9. shock
  10. think
  11. rotate
  12. frequently
