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Once upon a time, in a small village, there was a man named Joe. Joe had a simple job in a local factory. His work was to make forks [1]. Yes, forks [1] that people use every day to eat their meals. Joe liked his job. He worked hard to make forks [1] that would serve [2] people well when they ate.

Joe was not rich. His earnings [3] from the factory were enough to live, but not much more. Joe was an educated [4] man. He went to school when he was young and learned how to read and write. He also learned many other things. But the most meaningful [5] lesson he learned was to help others and to be kind.

One day, Joe got some very bad news [6]. He learned that he had cancer [7]. The word “cancer [7]” scared Joe a lot. People in his village did not know much about cancer [7], but they knew it was a very bad sickness. When Joe heard about his sickness, he felt very sad. It was like a heavy cloud of depression came over him.

Joe went to the doctor in the next town. This town was bigger. It had more people and more houses. The doctor was a kind man. He listened to Joe and told him that he would help. Joe learned that he was eligible [8] for some help from the government because of his sickness. This made Joe a little happy, because he worried about his earnings [3] from the factory. He could not work with his sickness.

As the days went by, Joe felt more and more tired. But he also had many chats [9] with his friends. They came to visit him. They talked about life, about the weather, and about the forks [1] Joe used to make. These chats [9] made Joe feel better. It was nice to talk to friends.

One day, during a chat with his best friend, Tom, Joe said, “My life feels so bad now. It’s depressing [10] to have cancer [7].” Tom listened. He was a good friend. Joe could relate [11] to Tom because Tom always understood him.

Tom said to Joe, “I know this is a sad time. But you are strong. You have always been strong. We are here for you.”

Time went on, and Joe began to feel a little better. The medicine from the doctor helped. Joe did not have much power over his health because the cancer [7] was out of his jurisdiction [12]. But Joe had power over his thoughts. He tried to think of good things. He thought of the forks [1] he made and how they helped people eat. That was a good thought.

Joe’s story spread around the village. His friends talked about how brave Joe was. They talked about how he still tried to be happy and have chats [9] with them. Joe began to feel that his life was still meaningful [5], even with his sickness.

In the end, Joe’s story taught people in the village to be strong. They learned from Joe that even when bad news comes, like sickness or low earnings [3], they could still talk to each other. They could relate [11] to one another’s problems, and that was very important.

While Joe fought his cancer [7], he showed everyone what it meant to be strong and to find some happiness, even in depressing [10] times. And that made all the difference to Joe and his friends in the village.

  1. fork
  2. serve
  3. earnings
  4. educated
  5. meaningful
  6. news
  7. cancer
  8. eligible
  9. chat
  10. depressing
  11. relate
  12. jurisdiction
