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Scary camping. Рассказ на английском языке.


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Еще один страшный адаптированный рассказ на английском языке.
В тексте есть интересные идиомы, которые выделены подчеркиванием. Переведите их самостоятельно.

Once upon a time, in a small town, there was a group of friends. They liked to go camping [1] in the deep woods. They said it was an adventure. But one night, their trip would be very different.

Paragraph [2] by paragraph [2], let me tell you their story.

They made a plan, a strategy [3] to find the perfect camping [1] spot. They chose a place where the trees were big and old. It was deep in the forest where few people went. They were happy. They thought they would have a lot of fun.

When they got there, they set up their tents. They did this near a small river. The water was clear and clean. They could drink from it and cook with it. They felt good about this place.

As the night came, they made a fire. They cooked their food. This was their dinner, their fare [4] for the night. They laughed, told stories, and enjoyed themselves. But as the darkness grew, one of the friends felt troubled [5]. He didn’t know why. It was a subtle [6] feeling. Like something was not right.

While they sat by the fire, they talked about many things. They talked about big houses and the people who make them. They called those people architects. They talked about the architectural [7] beauty of old buildings.

Then they heard a sound. It was a rustling in the bushes. They thought it was just an animal. Animals lived in the forest. They were not scared yet. They knew animals were part of the woods.

They put more wood on the fire. The wood was a black color. It was carbon [8], the same stuff as in pencils. The fire burned bright.

Late at night, the fire started to get smaller. They decided it was time to sleep. They said goodnight to each other and went to their tents. Each friend rented [10] a sleeping bag and a tent from a shop in town. That was how they could sleep in the woods.

But the troubled [5] friend could not sleep. He heard more sounds. It was like the sound of steps. Quiet but getting closer. He told himself it was nothing. But then all the friends heard it.

They came out of their tents. They stood together. They needed to be brave. It was dark and the fire was almost dead. Then they saw something in the shadows.

It was a figure. But not an animal. It was like a person. But it did not move like a person. They felt cold and scared.

They remembered the stories of an old ghost in the woods. They never believed them. But now, they were not sure. Was it the ghost?

Their hearts beat fast. They did not know what to do. They could not run. They knew they had to face it.

They stood close to each other. The figure came into the light. It was tall and gray. It was the ghost! It did not speak. It just stood there.

They did not wait. They knew they had to act. They had to save themselves. There was no time for fear.

“We must not give in,” one friend said. “We must not yield [10] to fear to save ourselves [11] !”

Together, they shouted at the ghost. They did this to make it go away. And then, the ghost was gone. Just like that. They did not understand how or why. But they were safe.

The friends packed their things quickly. They did not want to stay any longer. They left the woods with a new story to tell.

The next day, people asked about their trip. They had a comprehensive [12] story to tell. It was the story of how they faced a ghost. They said it was scary. But they also said they learned something. They learned that they could count on each other.

The friends never forgot their trip. And they always remembered the night they faced a ghost in the woods. They were brave. They stuck together. And that is how they made it out.

  1. camping
  2. paragraph
  3. strategy
  4. fare
  5. troubled
  6. subtle
  7. architectural
  8. carbon
  9. rent
  10. yield
  11. ourselves
  12. comprehensive
