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The Batman story. Рассказ на английском языке


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История про Бетмена, его друга журналиста Кларка Кента и злого преступника Джокера. Прочитайте, переведите рассказ и повторите все слова четвертой недели.

Once upon a time, in a super [1] scary and dark town named Gotham, there lived a dark and brave man known as the Batman. He was not just any man; he was a super-hero [1], saving people from bad guys. He was like a bat [2], flying in the night. He was as strong and tall like a mountain [3].

In Gotham, there was a man who did bad things. His name was The Joker. He liked to make trouble and give Batman a hard time. He found pleasure [4] from making people scared. He had a big, big laugh that was louder than a blast [5].

One night, Batman got a call. The Joker was making trouble again. Batman jumped into his personal super transport [6] – Batmobile, and drove forward stop The Joker. As he drift [7] through the dark streets of Gotham, the Batman felt a strange fear. This was new. He was always brave and strong. But now, he felt scared. But he was Batman, he could not let his fear stop him.

When Batman reached the place, The Joker was already gone. Batman searched all over but could not find any trace [8] of The Joker. He escaped [9]. It was like he vanished. Batman was more scared now. What was The Joker planning?

Then, Batman found a paper. It was a message from The Joker. He was planning something big and very scary. Batman had to stop him.

Batman called his friend, Clark Kent. Clark was a super [1] friend and a super [1] journalist [10]. He knew many things. Batman told Clark about The Joker’s plan. Clark promised to help Batman.

They searched and searched for traces [8] of The Joker. They couldn’t find anything, like The Joker was a ghost. The scary feeling inside Batman was getting worse. It was now a chronic [11] fear, always there, always scary.

After what felt like a long time, they found The Joker’s hideout. It was on top of a mountain [3], high and scary. The Joker really liked his drama.

The mountain [3] was tall and big and frightening. But Batman and Clark didn’t let it scare them. They knew they could not let The Joker win, they had to reach the mountain’s [3] top.

The journey up the mountain [3] was hard. They faced many troubles and scary things. But they kept on moving. They wanted to stop The Joker, and they would not let anything stop them.

On the top of the mountain [3], they found The Joker. He was laughing and dancing and making fun of Batman. He told Batman that he was going to blast [5] Gotham into bits. He was enjoying the fear on Batman’s face. But Batman wasn’t going to let The Joker have his fun.

Batman and Clark had a big fight with The Joker. It was hard and scary, but they tried their best not to show fear. They wanted to beat The Joker.

The Joker was strong, but Batman and Clark were stronger. They used their super [1] strength and skills and beat The Joker.

Batman felt a great pleasure [4]. He had done it. He had beaten The Joker. The chronic [11] fear was gone now. He felt brave and strong again. Clark also felt happy. They shared a sweet, brave smile.

The Joker was captured and taken away. Batman had saved Gotham once again. The city was safe, and so was Batman. He felt at peace.

When he drove back to Gotham, it was dawn. The first rays of the sun warmed his face. He felt a new strength fill him. He was the Batman. He was the protector of Gotham.

Batman looked at the brightening skyline. A new day had begun. But all was calm now. It was over. It was the completion [12] of another successful mission. Batman, the super [1] brave bat [2] who fought scary things, was back in business. And he was ready to face whatever comes next.

The End.

Слова для повторения:

  1. super
  2. bat
  3. mountain
  4. pleasure
  5. blast
  6. transport
  7. drift
  8. trace
  9. escape
  10. journalist
  11. chronic
  12. completion
