The beautiful castle in the terrible forest. Рассказ на английском языке.
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Once upon a time, in a small village on the outer [1] edges of a great forest, there was a little boy named Tom. Tom was known for his beautiful [2] smile and kind heart. Everyone in the village loved him, except for one person, a grumpy man named Mr. Grizzle.
Tom had a dream of visiting the fantastic [3] castle that stood on the hill across the river. He heard stories of the castle’s grand halls and lovely gardens. But every night, his dream turned into a nightmare [4] where he got lost in the vast forests surrounding the castle.
One day, Tom decided he will [5] visit the castle no matter what. He wanted to see it for himself and make a comparison [6] between his dreams and reality. Before leaving his small house, he put on his coat with a big button [7] that his mother had sewn on, to keep him warm on his journey.
As Tom was about to leave, Mr. Grizzle saw him and tried to interrupt [8]. “Where do you think you’re going, fat [9] little boy?” Mr. Grizzle said with a sneer. Tom felt sad [10] but decided to ignore the criticism [11] thrown at him. He knew he wasn’t fat [9]; he was just a little chubby. He was determined to not let mean words stop his adventure.
Tom walked all day, and as the sun set, he reached the forest. It was darker and scarier than he thought. Strange sounds and shadows made it seem like the nightmare [4] he had feared. But Tom was brave and kept walking until he finally saw the castle in the distance, sitting under the moonlight. It was beautiful [2].
To enter the castle, Tom had to undergo [12] a challenge. The gate was locked with a large, rusted lock but there was a puzzle with buttons [7] in different shapes and colors. Tom pressed the buttons [7] one by one, trying to find the right combination. After many tries, he finally heard a click, and the gates creaked open.
Inside, the castle was even more amazing than what he had imagined. The halls were filled with sparkling treasures, and the gardens were a rainbow of flowers. The nightmare [4] feeling faded away, and he felt like he was in a dream—a wonderful, fantastic [3] reality.
The King of the castle welcomed Tom and listened to his story with fascination. He was deeply moved by Tom’s courage and determination. In return for his bravery, the King offered Tom a place in the castle to learn and grow. Over time, Tom became a wise and kind man, loved by all, with friends far and wide. He always remembered his journey and the lessons it taught him about perseverance and the power of a positive spirit.