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The death trap for a historian. Адаптированный рассказ на английском языке.


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Отличный адаптированный рассказ про историка Мартина на английском языке. В ночь, когда город отмечает главный праздник в году, Мартин отправляется в некое таинственное место. Попасть туда оказывается довольно легко, а вот выбраться не так-то просто. Этот адаптированный рассказ поможет вам выучить и запомнить новые английские слова. Прочитайте, переведите рассказ и повторите все слова седьмой недели.

Once upon a time, in a small and quiet town, lived a man named Martin. Martin was a historian [1], a person who knew and studied the past. He was not like the others in the town. He liked old and hidden [2] things, always ready to find and learn.

One day, the town was having a big celebration [3]. Everyone was happy, looking forward to a night of fun. But Martin was not in a mood for a celebration [3]. He had something else on his mind. He had found an old map with a hidden [2] place marked on it. He was full of confidence [4]. He was sure he had found something big.

Martin did not tell anyone about the map. He was scared they would think it to be fake [5]. So, he took his old sock [6] and put the map inside it. This was his way of keeping important things safe.

As he followed the map, Martin found himself in a hidden [2], dark forest. The sounds around him made him scared, but he kept going. Looking at the imagery [7] on the map, he found his place of landing [8], deep inside the forest. He felt a mix of fear and excitement.

Just as he reached the place marked on the map, he saw a stone stair going down. With a deep breath and his heart beating fast, he started to lower [9] himself down the steps.

The deeper he went, the darker and colder it became. It felt like he was going back in the evolution [10] of time itself. His only comfort [11] came from the idea that he was on a path of discovery.

Finally, he found himself in a big room. His eyes took some time to adjust to the dark. To his shock, he saw many human bones around him. Scared, he tried to go back, but the entrance was not there anymore. He was stuck!

Martin panicked but tried to stay calm. A small, weak light came from a corner of the room. He walked over to it and found a small, burning candle. As he got closer, he saw words written on the wall, glowing in the low light.

“Detention!” [12] The word made his heart stop. He looked down and saw chains on the ground. He realized he was not the first to come to this hidden [2] place, and those people had not left. The room was not just a hidden [2] place. It was a prison, a place of horror and death.

Martin fell to the ground, his heart full of fear. His confidence [4] vanished with the thought that he could die in this place. But then, he remembered the map. He pulled it from his sock [6], praying it would help him out.

An intense hour passed as he tried to find his way back. The bones around him served as silent reminders of his grim fate if he failed. Finally, he found a small passageway he had missed earlier. Guided by dim light from his pocket torch, he climbed up a steep path and out of the nightmarish prison.

When he saw the moonlit sky of his town, he felt a surge of relief. The celebration [3] in town was still going on, the joyous sounds oddly comforting [11] after the grim silence of the hidden [2] place.

Martin went back to his house, shaken and scared. The discovery was not what he had hoped for, but he had learned a valuable lesson. Curiosity is good, but not all secrets are meant to be found. He hung up his historian [1] hat for a while, finding contentment in his simple, ordinary life.

The End.

Слова для повторения:

  1. historian
  2. hidden
  3. celebration
  4. confidence
  5. fake
  6. sock
  7. imagery
  8. landing
  9. lower
  10. evolution
  11. comfort
  12. detention
