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The hat show. Адаптированный рассказ на английском языке.


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Адаптированный рассказ на английском языке, про шляпника Джона и его друзей. Прочитайте и повторите все слова девятой недели.

Once upon a time, in a typical [1] small town, there lived a friendly fellow [2] named Joe. Joe had a simple job. He was a hat [3] maker. He made hats [3] in different styles and colours. His hat [3] shop was the third [4] shop in the town center.

One day, while Joe was working, he had an idea [5]. He thought, “Why not perform [6] a hat [3] show?” It was an idea [5] out of the blue, but Joe was excited. He thought it was a good idea [5] to show everyone the beautiful hats [3] he made. He felt it would be fun. He believed his fellow [2] town folks shall [7] enjoy such an event.

Immediately, Joe started making plans for the hat [3] show. As a first step, he made a list of all the different hats [23] he would display. He also started making new hats [3] as well. Day and night, he worked hard.

Joe knew he couldn’t do it alone. So, he went to his friend Mike, who was a trainer [8] in self-defence, for help. Mike liked Joe’s plan straight away. So, he decided to help.

Together, Joe and Mike made good preparations for the hat [3] show. They made a nice stage. They asked a photographer [9], a fellow [2] townsman named Bob, to take pictures of the show. They also asked a friendly lady named Lisa, who runs the local cafe, to help with the food intake [10].

The day of the hat [3] show arrived. Everything was ready. The stage was set, the food was prepared, and the hats [3] were displayed in beautiful rows, each marked with a small, colourful dot [11] to differentiate between the different styles.

Joe and Mike were both nervous and excited. But they were ready to perform [6] the show. Joe put on his best hat [3], and Mike stayed close for defence [12], just in case anything went wrong.

The show started. One by one, the hats [3] were displayed. Bob, the photographer [9], was busy taking beautiful pictures. Everyone in the town was at the show, and they all loved the hats [3] very much.

The hat [3] show was a success. Even better than Joe had hoped. The hats [3] were all sold out. The townspeople had a lot of fun. It was the talk of the town for many days.

Joe was very happy. His idea [5] of performing [6] a hat [3] show had worked out well. It was a big day for him. Not just because he had sold so many hats [3], but also because he had made his fellow [2] townspeople happy.

That night, Joe, Mike, Bob, and Lisa sat at Lisa’s cafe, talking about the show. They all laughed, enjoyed good food, and planned for more such events.

From that day on, every third [4] month, Joe would hold a hat [3] show. And each show was more successful than the last one. Joe’s hat [3] become famous far and wide. And in no time, the typical [1] small town became famous too.

And so, the story of Joe, the fellow [2] who makes amazing hats [3], was told in the town for years and years. His story was a shining example of how a small idea [5], when acted on, could become so wonderful. And everyone remembered it well.

Слова для повторения:

  1. typical
  2. fellow
  3. hat
  4. third
  5. idea
  6. perform
  7. shall
  8. trainer
  9. photographer
  10. intake
  11. dot
  12. defence
