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The mysterious Mr. Grey. Адаптированный рассказ на английском языке.


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История о том, как в домах жителей одного не большого городка начали таинственным образом пропадать вещи, и том как загадочный мистер Грей, у которого дома есть загадочный подвал, решил проблему города.
Прочитайте адаптированный рассказ на английском языке. Возможно вы не узнаете что и как сделал мистер Грей, но точно сможете повторить и запомнить все английские слова, которые мы изучали на тринадцатой неделе.

In a small town, there was a non-profit [1] group that loved to help people. One day, they made a plan to give money to someone who needed it. They called it a “subsidy [2]” They told everyone, “We will find a winner [3], someone who does very good things alone.” This was a solo [4] task. They wanted to find someone who did not have a partner [5] in doing their good work.

Many people talked about who might win. Each person had a favorite, someone they thought should get the extra [6] money. But there was one person, an old man named Mr. Grey, who lived at the end of the town in a wild [7], forgotten house, who did amazing things every day. Yet, no one thought he would win. He was not a contender [8] in their eyes.

Late at night, Mr. Grey would go to a secret chamber [9] under his house where he did his good deeds. Nobody knew about this place. It was hidden and full of old books, jars with unknown things, and a big, dusty table in the middle.

Then, one day, something strange happened in the town. A loud sound, like the earth was going to erupt [10], woke everyone up. The ground shook, and the people were scared. After that night, things started to disappear from the town. At first, it was small things, like cups and plates. Then, it became bigger things—chairs, tables, and even animals.

The people owed [11] their safety to whoever could solve this problem. They all thought about the contenders [8] for the subsidy [2]. But they were all too scared to do anything. The town needed a hero, and they did not have one.

That’s when Mr. Grey did something unexpected. He went out, alone, into the wild [7] woods behind his house. He was gone for a whole day. When he came back, the strange things stopped disappearing. No one knew what Mr. Grey had done.

The day came to choose the winner [3] of the subsidy [2]. To everyone’s surprise, Mr. Grey’s name was said out loud. “For his everyday [12] bravery and deeds, we give this money to Mr. Grey, who did something amazing, alone, without us knowing.”

But Mr. Grey did not take the money. He said, “I do not want extra [6] things. I just want our town to be safe and happy.” People were confused but thankful. They never found out what Mr. Grey had done or why things had stopped disappearing.

From that day on, Mr. Grey was not just an unknown old man. He was a partner [5] to the town, a secret hero who had saved them all. And the chamber [9] under his house remained a mystery, as wild [7] and silent as ever, holding the secrets of the true things Mr. Grey did alone.

  1. non-profit
  2. subsidy
  3. winner
  4. solo
  5. partner
  6. extra
  7. wild
  8. contender
  9. chamber
  10. erupt
  11. owe
  12. everyday
