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The stone of the sea. Адаптированный рассказ на английском языке.


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Once upon a time, in a village by the sea, there lived a little boy named Tom. Tom loved to play by the water when the tide [1] would roll [2] in and out. Every day, he watched the waves and collected shells. He found joy in simple things.

One day, Tom found an object [3] near the shore. It was a shiny stone, unlike any other he’d ever seen. It sparkled in the sun with a light that was purely [4] magical. Tom felt a strong attraction [5] to the stone, and he knew it was special.

Tom decided to keep the secret stone in his pocket. It was like having a piece of the sea with him all the time. Days passed, and Tom noticed something strange. The stone led him to an underground [6] cave that was hidden behind the rocks. The entrance was almost invisible if you didn’t know it was there.

Inside the cave, the walls glowed softly. Tom felt like he had entered another world. As he walked deeper into the cave, he found a room filled with treasure. There were gold coins, sparkling gems, and objects [3] from all around the world. Tom realized that this must be the lost treasure of the sea queen [7], a story his grandfather had told him. The queen [7] was a supreme [8] ruler of the waves and protector of the sea’s heritage [9].

Tom felt anonymous [10] in the vastness of the cave, alone with the queen’s [7] treasure. But he did not touch it, for he knew it was not his to take. As he walked back to the entrance, the stone in his pocket began to glow. It was as if the queen [7] herself was watching over him.

He returned to the village and went to see the doctor, for the stone’s glow had not faded, and Tom felt a change within himself. The village doctor was old and wise. He diagnosed [11] that the stone was indeed magical, and it had chosen Tom for a reason. The doctor explained to Tom that the stone granted him a certain [12] connection with the sea. From now on, he would understand the language of the waves and the creatures within.

Years went by, and Tom grew up. He became the village’s protector, just like the sea queen [7] had been for her kingdom. He always listened to the tide [1]. He learned its patterns and knew when the sea was calm or when a storm was approaching. He shared his knowledge with the villagers, and together they lived in harmony with the sea.

The stone remained with Tom, a constant reminder of the day he found the queen’s [7] treasure, a symbol of his heritage [9] and his bond with the supreme [8] powers of the ocean. And although he was just a simple boy from a simple village, his connection with the sea made him feel like a king.

  1. tide
  2. roll
  3. object
  4. purely
  5. attraction
  6. underground
  7. queen
  8. supreme
  9. heritage
  10. anonymous
  11. diagnose
  12. certain
