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The Terrible Soup. Адаптированный рассказ на английском языке


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Этот адаптированные рассказ на английском языке поможет вам выучить и запомнить новые английские слова. История о пожилом одиноком мужчине, чей покой однажды был нарушен невоспитанной собакой, растоптавшей весь урожай, который бедный пенсионер выращивал у себя на огороде. Прочитайте, переведите рассказ и повторите все слова пятой недели.

Once upon a very bad time, there was an old man who lived in a small, horrible house [1]. This old man, whose [2] name was Bob, was very aged [3]. He was old, very old, older than dirt itself, and he lived in his small, sad, boring house [1] all alone. One day, something bad and annoying happened to Bob.

Behind Bob’s terrible house [1] was a big, ugly fence. This fence was made of old, rotten wood and it was exactly one metre [4] high. Yes, one metre [4] only. Bob, the aged [3] man, hated this fence. But, he couldn’t do anything about it because he was too old and too weak to change anything.

One terrible day, a very bad thing happened. A big, scary dog jumped over the disgusting fence and entered Bob’s awful garden. This big, bad dog violated [5] Bob’s garden. This was a huge violation [5]! Bob’s little, sad tomatoes and his tiny, pathetic cucumbers were destroyed by the big, scary dog. This was a very terrible event.

Bob, the old man, got very sad. He stood in his miserable house [1], looking broadly [6] at the destroyed vegetables in his garden. He made a sad face, a very sad face because of the big, bad dog.

To make matters even more terrible, Bob’s gut [7] just wouldn’t listen [8] to his brain. His perception [9] was all messed up because he was so horribly old. He just couldn’t integrate [10] the terrible situation. His old, terrible gut [7] wasn’t listening [8] to his old, terrible brain.

Being an old man, Bob remembered an old saying from his pathetic youth, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” This was an analogy [11] that his mother used to say to him. Bob didn’t understand what this analogy [11] meant, because he was too old to understand anything. But, he thought it was kind of cool to have an analogy [11] in his story.

So, Bob felt a little bit bold [12]. Yes, the old man, Bob, felt bold [12]! He decided to make the most of the situation and make something good out of it. He made a poor decision to use his destroyed vegetables to make a lousy soup. It was a terrible soup, the worst soup in the world, but he had nothing else left to do.

This was Bob’s story. A story of an old, aged [3] man whose [2] gut [7] wouldn’t listen [8] to his brain, with a house [1] next to a metre [4] high fence, violated [5] by a big, bad dog, and a terrible perception [9] of reality. He lived broadly [6] alone, trying to integrate [10] his pathetic life with a mysterious analogy [11], while feeling a bit bold [12] for no apparent reason. Hmmm…this was a very bad, terrible story. Please don’t share this story with anyone. No one deserves to hear such a terrible story.

Слова для повторения:

  1. house
  2. whose
  3. aged
  4. metre
  5. violation
  6. broadly
  7. gut
  8. listen
  9. perception
  10. integrate
  11. analogy
  12. bold
