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The tower of Babel. Адаптированный рассказ на английском языке.


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Адаптированный рассказ на английском языке, повествующий об истории строительства Вавилонской башни. Прочитайте, переведите рассказ и повторите все слова седьмой недели.

Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there was a grand tower. This tower was called the Tower of Babel. It was not a moderate [1] tower. The people wanted it to be the biggest and the tallest tower in the world.

People were working hard day and night. They used machines [2] to pull big stones and place them one on top of another. They also did the work with their bare hands. The work was hard, but the people were happy. They felt good seeing the tower getting bigger and bigger every day.

People had a habit [3] of eating meat [4] during their meal times. They would sit together after a hard day’s work and eat meat [4] with bread. This would give them the power to work the next day.

One day, there was some disagreement [5] among the people. Some people were upset [6] because they felt that the tower was getting too big. They were worried that it was not safe. They thought that the tower might fall down one day and hurt people. They also shared their worry that the way they were building the tower was not sustainable [7].

These people asked for the removal [8] of the top part of the tower. They felt that this would make the tower safe. But the other people did not agree. They wanted the tower to be the biggest in the world.

One of them said with a loud voice, his mouth [9] shaping the words clearly, “We have worked hard for this. We cannot stop now. We must keep building.”

Unfortunately [10], the two groups of people could not agree. The disagreement [5] between them became bigger and bigger. The people who were upset [6] about the tower even decided to dig a hole [11] at the base of the tower. They thought that this would stop the tower from getting too high.

But the hole [11] just made the tower weak. The tower started to shake. The people were scared. They ran away from the tower.

Soon, the tower fell down. It made a big noise and a lot of dust rose into the air. When the dust cleared, they saw the ruin. The once grand tower was now just a pile of stones.

Their dream of building the biggest tower in the world had failed [12]. The people were very upset [6]. They realized their mistake and agreed that they should have listened to the advice of the others. They realized that it is not always good to want the biggest or the best.

From then on, the people started to live in a different way. They learned to be happy with what they had. They also learned to listen to each other and respect each other’s opinions. The story of the Tower of Babel taught them a great lesson.

And if you go to the place where the Tower of Babel once stood, you can still see the big hole [11] at the base. This hole [11] is a reminder of the people’s dream of building the biggest tower and their failed [12] attempt.

Слова для повторения:

  1. moderate
  2. machine
  3. habit
  4. meat
  5. disagreement
  6. upset
  7. sustainable
  8. removal
  9. mouth
  10. unfortunately
  11. hole
  12. failed
