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The Time sheep. Страшный рассказ на английском языке


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Прочитайте, переведите рассказ и повторите все слова второй недели. Не бойтесь, рассказ не очень страшный и заканчивается хорошо. Мы специально написали страшный текст, потому что страшное лучше запоминается.

Once upon a time, in a small town, there was a big, old scary house. No one went to the house because bad things happened there. But, there lived a boy called Tom. Tom was not afraid. He changed what people thought. Lately [1], Tom thought about going to the house. Tom told his friends. They didn’t fit [2] with his brave ideas.

One day, Tom left to see the house. At the end [3] of the town, near the deep blue lake [4], the old scary house stood. It was not a fit [2] place for a child but Tom was not scared. He went in.

Inside, it was dark. There were old things. There was also a sheep [5]. The sheep [5] looked scared. It made Tom feel sad. Suddenly, the sheep [5] ran away. It ran into a room.

Tom followed the sheep [5]. The room was strange. It had a big green board. The board was like those at the town’s institute [6]. Words on the board said about a clause [7]. A clause [7] about changing the consistency [8] of time.

Tom was confused. But he remembered something. His mother had talked about an old story. A story about a magic clause [7]. A clause [7] that could change the past.

Feeling something off, Tom started walking. The house was silent. Then, Tom heard a noise. It was loud like a firework [9]. It scared Tom. He ran out of the room, the sheep [5] following him.

Tom and the sheep [5] went into another room. It was a very big room. There were many photos. The photos were old. People in photos were from very old days. This people in photos looks very rich and influential [10].

Looking at the photos, Tom noticed something. The people in photos didn’t age. They were in all photos, same in all. With same smile, same clothes, same look. It was not normal. Tom got scared.

Then Tom noticed something. The people in photos were moving. Moving out of photos. They were real!

Suddenly, the room turned dark. The people from photos were now in the room. They were ghosts! The ghosts looked at Tom. The ghosts smiled.

Tom was very scared. He remembered the clause [7]. Maybe the clause [7] could help him. If he could change the time. The boy shouted, “I want to go back!”

Suddenly, the room filled with bright light. The light was bright like a firework [9]. It hurt Tom’s eyes. The sheep [5] hid behind Tom. The ghosts vanished. Then all was quiet.

Tom was now back home. He was handling [11] the sheep [5]. The sheep [5] was happy. Tom was not scared anymore. He looked at the sheep [5]. The sheep [5] looked back. It was quiet. Then, Tom felt the sheep [5] nudged him.

Suddenly, Tom woke up. It was morning. He was sleeping! It was just a dream! Tom looked around. He was in his bed, in his house. The sheep [5], the ghosts, the house were all a dream.

Tom laughed. He had a big, funny dream. He then went to the kitchen. His mom was cooking. She was happy to see Tom. She told him, “Wash up, breakfast is ready.” As he resumed [12] his normal life, Tom realized he had a fun, scary dream. He couldn’t wait to tell his friends about his dream of the old scary house.

And so, Tom lived his normal life, telling his scary but fun dream to his friends. From that day on, scary stories were fun to everyone in the town. That’s how Tom, a common boy, changed how the people of the town looked at scary stories. The End [3].

Слова для повторения:

  1. lately
  2. fit
  3. end
  4. lake
  5. sheep
  6. institute
  7. clause
  8. consistency
  9. firework
  10. influentia
  11. handling
  12. resume
