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The brave runner. Страшный рассказ на английском языке


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Прочитайте, переведите рассказ и повторите все слова первой недели. Не бойтесь, рассказ не очень страшный и заканчивается хорошо. Мы специально написали страшный текст, потому что страшное лучше запоминается.

Once upon a time, in a big town, there was a runner [1]. His name was Tim. He was an important [2] person in the town, not because he was rich or famous, but because he was very clever. All the people in the town say he was a genius [3], for he knew the answer to every question that was asked of him.

One day, the big people of the town, called a delegation [4], went on a journey to the capital [5]. This was a tradition [6] that they did every year. But this year, because Tim was such a genius [3], they asked him to come with them. The cheerful [7] people of the town cheered for Tim. They were proud of him.

The road to the capital [5] was long and hard. Still, Tim was not scared [8]. But then, one night, they had to stay in a big, tall house, called a mansion. The mansion was famous. The renowned [9] man who built it was said to be very cynical [10]. Some people swear [11] he made the house to be scary.

In the day, the mansion looked okay. But when night came, it was like a bad dream. The tall, dark structure [12] of the mansion was filled with tall, dark shadows. The wind was howling like a scared [8] cat.

Tim was given a little room to sleep in. He tried to sleep, but the wind was too loud. He saw a tall, dark shadow move. He blinked his eyes. The tall, dark shadow was now a black, spooky ghost!

Tim was scared [8]. But then he remembered that he was a genius [3]. He knew he had to be brave. He told himself, “This is just a ghost. I can deal with it.”

Tim was a runner [1]. So he ran to the ghost. The ghost was surprised. He asked Tim, “Why are you not scared [8]?”

Tim said, “Because I am a genius [3]. And I am a runner [1]. I can just run from you.”

But the ghost said, “I am not here to scare you. I am lonely. Please stay with me and be my friend.”

Tim said, “Okay. But only if you promise to not scare anyone else again.”

The ghost agreed.

The next morning, the cheerful [7] people of the delegation [4] found Tim smiling and happy. They were surprised and asked why Tim was smiling.

Tim said, “Because I have made a new friend.”

Every year, from then, when the delegation [4] went to the capital [5], Tim would stay with the ghost in the mansion. And the ghost, true to his promise, never scared [8] anyone again. And that is how Tim, the genius [3] runner [1], saved his town from the lonely, spooky ghost.

Слова для повторения:

  1. runner
  2. important
  3. genius
  4. delegation
  5. capital
  6. tradition
  7. cheerful
  8. scared
  9. renowned
  10. cynical
  11. swear
  12. structure
