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Sock [sɒk] – noun


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Карточка для запоминания слова Sock
The sock beneath the Christmas tree,
It's brimming gifts, for you and me.
The joy of sharing, love and hope,
In every stitch, we find the scope.

by London is...

Перевод слова sock:

noun: носок, стелька, чулок.

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Подробное толкование слова sock:

на английском

A “sock” is a type of clothing worn on the feet and often made out of various materials including cotton, wool, nylon, or silk. Designed to cover the foot and sometimes also the ankle or part of the calf, socks serve multiple purposes.

One primary purpose of socks is to provide a layer of protection and cushioning between the foot and the shoe to prevent blisters and irritation caused by friction. Also, socks absorb sweat from the feet, providing a way to keep shoes clean longer.

In colder climates, socks, especially thicker varieties or those made from insulating materials like wool or thermal yarn, help retain heat and keep feet warm, protecting them from cold temperatures.

Socks can also have specific functions depending on their design. For example, compression socks are engineered to aid in blood circulation, while athletic socks are designed with additional padding in areas of high impact.

In addition, socks can be a means of expressing personal style, as they come in a variety of colors, patterns, and designs. They can be worn as a fashion statement, or as part of a uniform or specific dress code.

In a different context altogether, the term “sock” can also refer to a light blow or punch (“He gave him a sock on the jaw”), or it can be the name given to a type of puppet which is made from a sock.

Overall, while most commonly a ‘sock’ refers to a piece of clothing worn on the feet, the meaning of the word can change slightly depending on context.

на русском

“A sock” – предмет одежды, надеваемой на ноги и часто изготавливаемой из различных материалов, включая хлопок, шерсть, нейлон или шелк. “Socks” предназначенны для того, чтобы закрывать стопу, а иногда и лодыжку или часть икры, служат нескольким целям.

В совершенно другом контексте термин “sock” может также относиться к легкому удару (“He gave him a sock on the jaw”), или это может быть название, данное типу марионетки, которая сделана из носка.

В целом, хотя чаще всего “sock” относится к предмету одежды, надеваемому на ноги, значение этого слова может незначительно меняться в зависимости от контекста.

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Примеры употребления слова sock:

  • He is wearing a pair of red socks.

Он носит пару красных носков.

  • I found a hole in my sock.

Я нашел дырку в своем носке.

  • She likes to sleep with socks on.

Ей нравится спать в носках.

  • I need to buy some new socks.

Мне нужно купить новые носки.

  • She accidentally wore mismatched socks.

Она случайно надела разные носки.

  • The dog loves to play with my socks.

Собака любит играть с моими носками.

  • His sock slipped down inside his shoe.

Его носок сполз внутрь обуви.

  • I always pack an extra pair of socks when I travel.

Я всегда упаковываю дополнительную пару носков, когда путешествую.

  • The girl giggled at the clown’s oversized socks.

Девочка захихикала от огромных носков клоуна.

  • He pulled up his socks and got ready for the journey.

Он подтянул носки и приготовился к путешествию.
