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A win-win lottery. Рассказ на английском языке.


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Once upon a time, in a small town, there lived a young girl named Lily. Lily loved to read comic [1] books. She had a favorite outfit [2] that she wore every day. It was a bright red dress with white shoes. She felt happy whenever she wore it.

One sunny morning, Lily heard exciting news. The town was having a lottery [3]. The winner would get lots of money. Lily decided to join [4] the lottery [3]. She thought, “If I win, I can buy more comic [1] books!”

Lily’s best friend, Tom, was very smart. He loved to help Lily with her plans. They decided to collaborate [5] on the lottery [3]. Tom said, “We need a plan. We should buy more tickets. That way, we have a better chance to win.” Lily agreed and they both saved their pocket money to buy more tickets.

While they were talking, a big lorry [6] drove by their house. It was moving very slow [7] because it was carrying a heavy load. Tom and Lily watched it go by. Tom said, “Wow, that lorry [6] is moving so slow [7]. It looks like it needs help.”

Later that day, Lily and Tom went to the town square to buy their lottery [3] tickets. They saw many people there. Everyone was excited and hopeful. Lily saw a man selling tickets and went to him. “Two tickets, please,” she said. The man smiled and gave her the tickets.

That night, Lily and Tom sat quietly, waiting for the lottery [3] results. They had a little dialogue [8] about what they would do if they won. Tom said, “If we win, I will buy a new bike.” Lily replied, “I will buy so many comic [1] books!”

Finally, the results were announced. To their surprise, they did not win. Lily felt sad. Tom saw her sad face and said, “It’s okay, Lily. We tried our best. We can always try again next time.”

Lily smiled and said, “You are right, Tom. We should never give up.”

The next day, Lily went to school. Her teacher gave them a project. They had to collaborate [5] with their classmates and write a story. Lily was excited. She loved stories. She joined [4] her friends and they started to work. They decided to write a story about a hero who saved the town from rubbish [9]. The hero was brave and kind. He always showed mercy [10] to others.

Lily’s group worked hard. They made sure the story was linear [11] and easy to understand. When they finished, they showed it to the teacher. The teacher was very happy and said, “This is a wonderful story. You all did a great job!”

Lily felt proud. She learned that working together and helping each other is very important. Even though they did not win the lottery [3], they definitely [12] had a great time and learned many new things.

From that day on, Lily always remembered to be kind, to work hard, and to never give up. She kept reading her comic [1] books and wearing her favorite outfit [2], feeling happy and hopeful for the future.

  1. comic
  2. outfit
  3. lottery
  4. join
  5. collaborate
  6. lorry
  7. slow
  8. dialogue
  9. rubbish
  10. mercy
  11. linear
  12. definitely
